Tuesday, August 19, 2008


So I found this website that allows you to download a picture of yourself and it shows you what your yearbook photo from the past would have looked like. The results are pretty funny...

1. Me in 1954 & Jason in 1956....I think we could've been homecoming king and queen....

2. At some point in the '60's we both had glasses...

(Of all the disgusting things I've done around Jason, he said he's never been less attracted to me than when he saw this picture. I think I look cute with cat-eye glasses.)

(Jason looks like he rode the short bus.)

3. And my favorite.....at some point in the '70's we were both black....


Susan and Tim said...

Oh my gosh, that is so funny! I actually found this same website last night and tried it out too. But, I haven't gotten up enough nerve to post a picture yet, but I will soon. In most of the pics, I look like my grandmother!! And, to keep from leaving a separate comment on your recent decor post, I will just say I LOVE IT!! New houses are so much fun! And, I am going to call the blinds people ASAP!

Garrett Conner said...

in the floor and rolling!

Garrett Conner said...

in the floor and rolling!